Many roofing contractors and local roofers have to spend a lot of time composing a free roof estimate for a roof or gutter replacement. According to statistics, this time can vary from 4 hours to 8 hours. At the same time, only every fourth customer is ready to discuss the roof estimate further, and only every sixth signs a contract to complete the work. Depending on the number of teams, it is necessary to maintain a staff of highly paid employees.
LocalProBook has developed a roof and gutter measuring app. It’s available on IOS and Android platforms. It helps to measure a roof and gutters on a working mobile or tablet. You don’t need to waste time to explore a roof on the site with a ruler.
Only lpbRoofing measuring app offers not only roof measurement but gutter measurement tools in one subscription. It allows users to use it as gutter installers separately and as roofers who do roofing with guttering.
Other software companies offer it for an additional price. In most cases, you need to transfer data to your roofing app or it’s impossible at all.
What is a roof measuring app and roofing software?
In today’s digital world, there are several roof measurement apps and software offerings. They can be divided into 2 categories:
Roof Measuring App.
Installed on mobile devices – phones or tablets. It’s fast, convenient, and not completely dependent on an Internet connection for the most of operations. A work phone or tablet is always with you as a necessary tool. You can do your work offline in any place.
Roof Measuring Software.
This is a web (browser) version of the roof measuring tool. Often it is not adapted to work on mobile devices due to limitations in the software of the phone itself due to security policies.
Many roofers and gutter installers are used to doing roof and gutter measurements via Google Earth. But we offer the same but with special tools developed for it.
We know that many pros prefer to make sales face to face. The main advantage of using measuring software lpbRoofing is that in 10-15 minutes you can get a detailed roof measurement right at the customer’s home, clarify all the necessary details, and create an offer to the customer. Communicating live with the customer always beats the option of communicating via the Internet. You can always discuss options, discounts, and temporary conditions and impress the customer. In most cases, the number of deals concluded for roof replacement occurs through personal communication.
How does the lpbRoofing roof measuring app work?
Take a roof photo
The first step is taking a roof photo using satellite or aerial (HD quality) images using the Roof Measuring App. Enter an address to see a photo.
Most roof measuring app developers offer imagery from either the Bing Maps platform or Google Maps. Usually, they are shareware, i.e. included in the price of Roof Measuring App and Software. lpbRoofing offers images from both sources, allowing you to choose the best one for free.
It’s worth noting that there are often areas where satellite imagery is too old or of poor quality. The second disadvantage may be the angle at which the Earth’s surface is photographed, which leads to distortion of the image of the roof of the house.

The second option is aerial photos. They solve the problems described above. Pictures are in HD quality and strictly vertical. But it costs extra money – from $1 to $3.5 per photo. LocalProBook offers the most attractive price of $0.99 per photo from partner NearMap. Sometimes a certain number of such images are included in the price of a Roof Measuring App, but the cost of subscription is higher. But the better the image, the more accurate the roof measurements will be.
If you look at the example images, the choice is obvious.
Some roof measuring apps suggest rotating the image so that most of the roof lines are vertical and horizontal – this makes it much easier to work with the image.
lpbRoofing app offers a special tool not only for rotating images but also for cropping them. It helps to make measurements easily.
Apply roof elements
The roof measurement tools for applying roof elements are all similar. The lpbRoofing app offers the following roof measurement tool for it:
– adjusting the position of the ramp point,
– the presence of auxiliary lines that simplify drawing contour lines of slopes,
– the order of specifying the type of line as a roof element (rake, eave, hip, ridge, valley, step & wall flash)
– use of different levels of the roof, which allows you to work with complex roofs. It is also a roof measurement tool that allows you to measure dormer roofs correctly. Not all developers provide such functionality and you can face a problem.
In addition to all of the above, LocalProBook offers an additional tool – a “magic wand”, which allows you to create strictly symmetrical roof slopes if necessary.
Determine and set up roof pitches
There are two options:
– through the Google Street View service
– using photos from the customers or from your image gallery
This is an important step in using any roof measuring app because it determines the result of calculating roof slope areas. The roofer must specify an angle for each slope drawn.
It is this step that usually does not allow accurate measurements because the Google Street View service allows you to see only the main facade of the house, along which the angle of inclination is measured.
lpbRoofing app provides the ability to measure the slope angle from any photo. You can take a photo in Google Street View, ask a customer to take it and send you, or take a photo on the spot. Three different options are always better than only one.
Roofing materials selection
The step is quite simple and necessary to receive a quote for roofing replacement. For each type of element, you can select a roofing material – these can be cap shingles, roof starters, ventilation, underlayment, ice and water barriers, step and wall flash, and asphalt shingles. Typically, most manufacturers are already available in the materials database, but you can add roofing materials (clay or cement tiles, metal sheets, rubber tiles, slate roof elements) to the database.
Eight shingles brands (GAF, IKO, Owens Corning, CertainTeed, Tamko, Atlas, Malarkey, and Brava) are already built-in in the lpbRoofing app.
Set up the cost and quantity of roofing materials
At this step, you indicate the unit size (roofing materials can be in ft. or sq.ft.) and cost per unit for each type of roofing material, and the software calculates how many units you need and the cost of this material.
lpbRoofing allows roofers to add waste (in %) of each material. Other roof measuring and estimating apps allow to add % of waste for all materials at once. It’s not correct because % of waste for different roof elements can be various.
Roof estimating app
Here, all apps differ quite significantly both in format and in general with structure and capabilities. lpbRoofing is a simple roof estimating app for local pros.
lpbRoofing includes in the roof replacement or new roof installation estimate:
– list of materials indicating their quantity and cost
– the name of the roofing company and the necessary data from the company profile
– customer data
– allows you to specify the cost of delivery of materials
– allows you to indicate the cost of roof replacement work (labor cost)
– allows you to specify the cost of garbage removal from the site (dumpster rental, labor work)
– allows you to specify the cost of removing the old roof
– allows you to add your roofing company logo
Sending an estimate to the customer
The options also differ – some suggest downloading the file from cloud hosting, others simply save it in various formats to your device.
lpbRoofing allows you to immediately send an offer through any software installed on your phone or tablet. These can be instant messengers or email apps, saved to Google Drive and other options.
Gutter Measuring app
lpbRoofing allows roofers and gutter installers to measure roof gutters on any roof. You can use already measured eaves for roofing projects or set up eaves separately for only gutter estimating projects.
The next step is adding gutters, end caps, miters, and downspouts with all required additional elements. To move downspouts along a gutter you need to switch on “Turning” mode.
Yes, with Google Street View you won’t be able to see all the downspouts and their details. But once you have a project, adding or making changes to it is a matter of minutes.
Father, you can set up costs for all elements of the gutter system and their quantity.
In the end, you can add labor costs for installing new gutters and removing old ones.
Subscription Costs
There are the following subscriptions:
User&month subscriptions
1 month, 1 user, unlimited projects – $9.99
1 month, 15 users, unlimited projects – $18.99
6 month, 1 user, unlimited projects – $53.99
Projects base subscriptions
1 basic project – $1.99
5 basic project – $9.89
Measurement reports subscriptions
1 project with expert drawing – $8.99
5 project with expert drawing – $43.99
Additional purchases in app (temporary not available)
1 HD photo – $0.99
10 HD photo – $8.99
30 HD photo – $24.99
Roof Measuring App Downloads

Is there an app to measure a roof?
Yes, lpbRoofing is the best value for price app which are available for Android and IOS devices.
How can I measure my roof online for free?
You can use lpbRoofing app for it because you get 20 free DIY projects when you sign up.
Can Google Maps measure my roof?
Yes, but you should do a lot of work manually. You need to know a pitch of the slopes and then calculate squares of each slope via formulas.
How do I measure my roof with my phone?
You can install lpbRoofing app via Google Play or Apple Store. This roof measurement software allows you to measure all elements of your roof and gutters with your phone.
Social Media: Roof & Gutter measuring app LinkedIn
Review Sites: lpbRoofing Capterra , lpbRoofing SoftwareAdvice
YouTube Channel: lpbRoofing